Raby Bay Estate Neighbourhood Program
The security and safe keeping of the Raby Bay Estate residents and their property, is a significant concern for the entire community. It is fundamental to us all who enjoy the environment and lifestyle in which we live.
RBRA in consultation with the Queensland Police Service (Cleveland Branch) and their Bayside Crime Prevention Team, have developed an initial neighbourhood program that residents can use to help improve the security and safe keeping of their home and property. We have called this our “Raby Bay Watch Program”.
The program includes helpful guidelines on home security measures, resident awareness education workshops, as well as connecting with our Community Spirit program to encourage our local Raby Bay street communities to “watch-out” for our neighbours.
Residents’ Home Security Measures
Most home and neighbourhood security incidents occur at night.
These incidents occur through residents not taking the necessary preventative measures to ensure their property is secure, including their cars.
Typically, home doors, windows, garages and gates are left open and cars unlocked, with house and car keys on display.
Residents just forget or are complacent.
Preventative Measures that Residents can adopt:​
Remember “Security Starts at Home”​.
Become more proactive with your home security - day and night.​
Have a good lock up routine - lock doors and windows, hide valuables out of sight, including car keys.​
Remember “Car Keys are Cash” to intruders.
Install security screens, alarms and sensor lights, where appropriate.
Talk to your nominated RBRA “Street Captain” about any concerns you may have or support you may need.
Become familiar with Queensland Police’s Home Security Guides - see link below.
Know and care for your neighbours - report any suspicious behaviour to the Police. If an incident is occurring report it to the police - see below.
Inform your RBRA Street Captain who will advise the appropriate Facebook/WhatsApp group as well as the Security Patrol service.
Also, for canal fronting properties, make sure your boat and any personal property on your pontoon is secured / locked.
Qld Police Services
"Resident Education and Information"
There is a valuable amount of information and helpful services provided by Queensland Police. Residents are encouraged to review this information.
RBRA can help facilitate through Queensland Police home security assessments and security education workshops.​
See below for useful links by Queensland Police:
Home Security Guides
Identity Safety
Personal Safety
and Incidents
'Who To Call'
It is really important to remember that all incidents should be reported directly to the police. If it is only shared on Facebook/WhatsApp then police won’t know about it.
CALL 000: If the emergency is “Life Threatening” or “Happening Now” (and offender still in the area).
If it is a non-urgent incident/matter then it should be reported to Policelink by phoning 131 444 or log into www.police.qld.gov.au/reporting
If you wish to remain anonymous and report an incident and it is not a current incident, please call
Crime Stoppers on 1 800 333 000 or log into www.crimestoppersqld.com.au
Raby Bay
"Local Estate Security Patrol"
RBRA does not provide or fund Security Patrols across the Raby Bay Estate.
However a local Security Patrol currently operates in the Estate. This service is funded directly by residents to the service provider, on an annual fee basis. This service is provided by MSE Security.
Please contact MSE for more information
or call 0413 687 743.
Any Questions on RBRA’s Raby Bay Watch?
Please contact RBRA by email.